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  • Another Buck Rogers matte shot

    Posted on June 16th, 2009 dstipes No comments

    Here is another of Syd Dutton’s terrific Buck Rogers matte paintings.  Syd again used the original negative / latent image compositing technique.

    Buck Rogers


    14 responses to “Another Buck Rogers matte shot”

    1. David,

      I love that, it’s a poetic image. You’ve got the utopia of New Chicago in the background and the devastated dystopia of Anarchia in the foreground with Buck the man from the past and Twiki, the robot from the future.

      I love the Universal Hartland stuff.

      Many thanks,


    2. Loved Syd’s matte work from Buck Rogers ! Awesome work !

    3. I always loved that matte painting. It was famous even when I first discovered what matte painting was.

      Andrew! You follow this blog too? Awesome.

    4. Way-cool, and an excellent introspection into the nature of the shot, Peter. 🙂

      Thanks, David.


    5. Peter, Andrew, Matthew and deg,

      I am glad you like the postings of Syd’s work.

      Syd actually did these paintings out of Al Whitlock’s matte department at Universal Studios main lot not at Universal Hartland.

      Hartland did have a small matte department but we came nowhere close to what Syd could do. However, we sure did have fun trying to reach the bar that Syd set!

      Syd is a remarkable person even beyond his painting ability. He has been very generous and forthcoming with advice and help over the years. Syd came over to Hartland to visit and gave wonderful advice and hints to help us grow.

      He is appreciated and loved by many friends.


    6. Always nice to hear of kind folks in the biz, yourself included IMO, David.

      As Einstein said: Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.

      IMO, there is no greater value than being first and foremost, kind and of service to others. 🙂


    7. Well that image fails to impress me compared to the mattes produced for the center of New Chicago. Both the following images have a photo realism quality about them and were used throughout the entire series.

      My favourite being the skyline shot at night, reminds me of Blade Runner.

      I like the architecture in this day shot, appears to have some oriental influences in there.

    8. Hello RKW,

      Thank you for the comment!

      You jumped in ahead of me with these images. 🙂

      I agree that the city shots are most impressive and the night shot is phenomenal!

      RE: Buck in the ruins, I always liked the way Syd captured the textures and the lighting of the plate and extended them into the painting.

    9. Yeah, thanks for sharin’ those RKW. Those are amazing! That night shot, ya swear it was a photo, eh. Amazing stuff.

      I’m in Chicago. I wonder when it’s gonna look like that… Oh yeah, the 25th century. 🙂

      And that is indeed a fine blending, David. Attention to detail best sells the shot, eh.


    10. Sorry Dave, I guess I just had enough of more ruins 😛

      Re: the ruins are the concrete support wires in the center of the image part of the matte or live action footage? I’m thinking the very top of the concrete block is a matte that’s been cleverly aligned with the real footage below.

    11. Hello RKW,

      I think you are correct; the matte line appears to be running under the top rebar at the top of columns.

      Pretty neat, huh?

    12. I did a post here on one of my Blog’s last Sept about the Buck Rogers Matte Paintings !

      And the one’s from Logan’s Run which the Buck Roger’s ones reminded me of.

    13. Hello Andrew,

      I love your blogs! On your “Be Still my Blog of War” you have remarkably sharp and crisp images from Buck and Logan’s Run. How do you get this quality?

      Your main blog has terrific CGI model work.

      I am impressed with the number of accomplished artists who join us here.

      Best wishes to all,


    14. David, I just grabbed those images from the DVD’s. Thanks for the kind words about my work, you’re far too kind !!

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