A Point of Light in the Stars.
Posted on April 29th, 2021 No commentsA unique effects solution to a Star Trek send-off
Deep Space Nine, the space station, was always a physical model except for the last shot of the series. For the final episode, “What you leave behind,” the last shot in the script called for a camera pull-back from Jake and Kira out a DS-9 window and away until the station was just another point of light in the stars.
The challenges of this shot were enormous. We had to film a live-action camera zoom-out from Jake and Kira in the window on the set and later match that move and extend it to an infinite pull-back from a model. Using the existing DS-9 model was going to be a problem.
Building the “Normally This Weird” Death Ray Weapon part 4
Posted on March 29th, 2011 No commentsHere is the challenge: how to construct a detailed prop with virtually no budget. Well, there are some strategies for accomplishing such a task.
If you have a lot of money, time and resources every part can be meticulously designed, rendered or blueprinted . You can take the designs and manufacture every item on your prop by hand or subcontract it out. Or you can do as our little team did for the Death Ray prop built for “Normally This Weird,” the Sci FI web series. Read the rest of this entry »
Building the “Normally This Weird” Death Ray Weapon part 3
Posted on March 13th, 2011 No commentsAs I mentioned in my prior post, my friend Diane Cook introduced me to a fantastic, low cost craft material that we put to use in a number of ways on our death ray prop and on a put-it-together-quickly “time machine.”
What is this material?
Building the “Normally This Weird” Death Ray Weapon part 2
Posted on March 3rd, 2011 No commentsAs I began working on the Death Ray weapon for the web series, “Normally This Weird” I quickly had a number of realizations. The most sobering was that this was not going to be as easy as I thought!
I had forgotten how important a well tooled and supplied workshop can be to efficient model and prop building! I had taken for granted the quality of the shop when I was at Cascade Pictures, or the one in my own studio. Unfortunately when I went to work on Star Trek and got immersed in the digital world, I let my tools go to others. Now, what should have been straight forward tool cuts became laborious chew-it-out-with-my-teeth kind of endeavors. Read the rest of this entry »
Building the “Normally This Weird” Death Ray
Posted on February 26th, 2011 No commentsSometime you just have to do a project because it is too cool to pass up and you just know it will be fun.
While I am semi retired (I am not retired yet!) from the visual effects biz, I still get the bug once in a while to do “just one more project.” My son, Nathan Stipes, has been the Art Director and de facto prop master on a web series called, “Normally This Weird.” http://www.normallythisweird.com/ It is a creative, web-based series of episodes written and directed by Phoenix film maker, Nathan Blackwell.
The series covers the strange adventures of a normal young couple who move into a neighborhood filled with some kinda’ unusual people. You have an eccentric inventor who is married to what may be an alien disguised as a 1950 ‘June Cleaver’ housewife. There is the ‘Men in Black’ style FBI agent and his men constantly trying to expose the strange goings-on. And more!
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